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Any severe weather warning by weather detector on your smartphone

The most important app on the subject of severe weather warning for all firefighters at all! I have them in use myself and I am very happy with it! The warnings are delivered absolutely reliably. You can decide for yourself at which warning level a severe weather warning you want to be notified. Two different regions are adjustable! For this purpose, warning report etc. are available! I am really happy and must say the purchase was worthwhile! Click to load just click this link, your itunes will open with the app automatically. Then download or buy app, Plug and sync iphone, already you have the app up to date on your iphone. Even easier: Click on the Web links directly on iphone or ipad… You get to the AppStore immediately and can download!

Entwickler: ise solutions
Preis: 0,99 €+
  • ‎Wetter-Warner Screenshot
  • ‎Wetter-Warner Screenshot
  • ‎Wetter-Warner Screenshot
  • ‎Wetter-Warner Screenshot