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I'm a big fan of severe weather warnings and their spread as a push notice. A developer friend had alerted me to meteosafe.com where you can configure a variety of alerts and have these special alerts sent as e-mail.

Now an e-mail alert is a great thing, unfortunately you don't open your mailbox as often a day to read time-critical alerts. So I thought about how to implement this via app, or as a push message with special warning tones.

Here is a little how-to to "recreate."

Step 1-PushOver app to the smartphone (goes with Android and iPhone)

First, get the PushOver app on your smartphone. You can find the individual apps here:

Android smartphones app

Entwickler: Pushover, LLC
Preis: Kostenlos
  • Pushover Screenshot
  • Pushover Screenshot
  • Pushover Screenshot
  • Pushover Screenshot
  • Pushover Screenshot

App for iPhones

‎Pushover Notifications
‎Pushover Notifications
Entwickler: Pushover, LLC
Preis: Kostenlos+
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot
  • ‎Pushover Notifications Screenshot

2. Step-sign up at pushover.net

After that, you can log in to pushover.net via PC browser (link)!

3. Step log in to the pushover app

Once you've logged in, log in to the Pushover app on your smartphone with THIS data!

4. Step-Sign up for meteosafe.com

Now it gets a little more complicated, or there are 2 possible paths!

Way 1-my personal way

You will get a NEW email address, for example, meteosafe@meine-domain.de to the NO other emails arrive (keep secret & do not use anything else!//with this email address a forwarding must be possible, because the target email address of pushover is cryptic and simply NOT to be noticed (has the Advantage that you later got the meteosafe.com registration easier to, for example, Make changes. If you want to take this step, you need the target email from pushover.net. You will find this TO registration at pushover.net at "Your E-mail Aliases"-if necessary you need to create one more via "(Create an E-mail Alias)." You enter this e-mail address in the forwarding process! With your NEW address, it will continue at step 5!

Way 2-Just work with the pushover email

After signing in to pushover.net, you will find "Your E-mail Aliases"-you may need to create one more via "Create an E-mail Alias." > > Continue to Step 5 with this email.

Step 5-Registration at meteosafe.com

With the email from way 1 or way 2 you now log in to Meteosafe (link)-at meteosafe.com you will find the point "Registration" the form for this.

Step 6-Setting up the weather profile

First, you set your home or warning location. After that, you set up your warnings according to your personal "taste." Start with the lowest warning thresholds to test the system.

Step 7-adjust warning thresholds and radii

You will soon notice that you have to adjust the thresholds because at low thresholds the warning portal starts very quickly (which is also good).
I have set my profile very sharply and am now really only reliably warned in extreme events. With all the warnings that occurred, it was really "a problem."
I made the following settings:

  • Thundertase heavy rain-perimeter 5km-threshold: Violet
  • Flash flood-perimeter 5km-threshold: Red
  • Lightning strike-5km-threshold: 5
  • Storm-20km from 10Bft
  • Rainfall 1-hour-5km-threshold: 20mm
  • Hail-10km-threshold: 1-2cm
  • Rotating storm wolke/tornado formation possible-perimeter 20km threshold: Strong
  • Heat-perimeter 10km-threshold: 33degrees
  • Ground frost and frost at a height of 2 m-make individual attitude!
  • Aquaplaning-perimeter 4km-Stage: Violet
  • Snowfall-perimeter 4km-threshold: Moderate-/strong
  • Red of ice-perimeter 4km-threshold light
  • Prediction wind gusts-perimeter 4km-threshold: Orange
  • Prediction New snow amount 6-hour-perimeter 4km-threshold: Red
  • Prediction smooth ice rain-4km-threshold: Moderzig-/strong

Step 8-test and comment

Now please test the system and comment in the comments on whether the steps were understandable-how you like meteosafe.com and what settings you made-what results you got and how the weather symptoms occurred!