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The HAIX Calendar app offers all the appointments around HAIX at a glance.
Unfortunately, the developer has withdrawn the app from the market-no new download possible

Know what's happening in the HAIX world at all time? At the same time, there are the most beautiful hero motifs for all fans for every month – because Heroes wear HAIX! With the HAIX Calendar, you can schedule all your schedules, enter new events, manage appointments, and sync through iCloud. So you are always up-to-date about what happens at HAIX and have the perfect tuning to your personal calendar client. It is up to you whether you want to have all HAIX events transferred to your existing calendar.

HAIX Hero-App
HAIX Hero-App
Entwickler: HAIX Group
Preis: Kostenlos
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot
  • HAIX Hero-App Screenshot